20th Anniversary
Celebration Dinner
The people are left to right, Richard Poad (Chairman Maidenhead Heritage Trust), The Right Honourable Theresa May MP, Colin Rayner (Mayor of Windsor and Maidenhead), Samantha Rayner (Mayoress of Windsor and Maidenhead), Peter Murcott (Trustee, the Advertiser Trust), Graham Barker (Trustee, Maidenhead Heritage Trust)
On Friday May 10th 2013 supporters of Maidenhead Heritage Centre gathered at Hall Place, Burchetts Green for a 20thAnniversary Celebration Dinner. Attended by the Mayor and Mayoress of Windsor and Maidenhead and by The Right Honourable Theresa May MP.
Proposing a toast to Maidenhead Heritage Centre, Mrs May congratulated all its volunteers on turning what began as a 6 month experiment in 1993 into a valued part of Maidenhead’s cultural scene. Confirming that for her “heritage matters”, she praised the temporary exhibitions staged at the Park Street venue for helping to inspire Maidonians of all generations about the history of their town.